2022 PLAYS
South Side Summer ● Allegiance ● Rehearsal
Salted Lemonade ● In My Sights
Write Their Wrongs ● It's Okay ● Undo, Redo

The playwrights who shared their plays with ENOUGH! are storytellers whose words make us sit up and take notice. When I read these winning plays, I was struck by the talent, the honesty, and the originality of these young writers. I look forward to hearing their voices in the months and years to come.
Playwright & ENOUGH! panelist

From L-R: McKennzie Boyd (Southside Summer), Arianna Brumfield (Allegiance), Willa Colleary (Rehearsal), Anya Jiménez (It's Okay), Taylor Lafayette (Salted Lemonade), Tain Leonard-Peck (In My Sights), Cameron Thiesing (Undo, Redo), and Wyn Alyse Thomas (Write Their Wrongs).
by Arianna Brumfield
Growing up in a community where opportunities are scarce, Nehemiah feels burdened with the responsibility of rebuilding his fractured family. When tragedy rips a hole in his world, he must decide whether to fulfill that responsibility or seek revenge, and which life he was destined to live.
Salted Lemonade
by Taylor Lafayette
Worrying over your 18 year old son’s well being can sometimes feel like a full time job for Lisa, a widowed mother who lost her husband to gun violence. But when Jamal doesn’t text her, it may be that the day she’s feared ever since her husband died has finally arrived.